
Maxine broadens horizons for entrepreneurs

Working for a bank isn't very exciting and the people are boring. And what's the point anyway? While this is what some people think, the reality is actually very different, as our colleagues can confirm. Meet Maxine, who thinks of herself as a Broadener of Horizons.

You see yourself as a Broadener of Horizons, how’s that?

Every day, I meet entrepreneurs working in a wide range of fields. They usually come to me because they have a project in mind and need advice. When I talk to them, I try to get a long-term overview of what they want to achieve. From that I identify opportunities that they might not have thought of. In short, I give them new perspectives.

So how do you make a difference day-to-day?

I’m the first point of contact for both start-ups and more experienced entrepreneurs. They rely on me to help them grow their business and I really feel as if I'm part of their team. Once I understand which way they want to go, I bring in the experts that will help them on that journey. It’s a huge responsibility, but I also find it very rewarding to be part of their story.

What do you think are important qualities for this job?

I would say empathy and listening skills, first and foremost. Followed by responsiveness when it comes to finding the right solutions. This is where I can rely on the bank’s network of experts. I find working with them very interesting, as I learn a lot from them. They also allow me to respond quickly to the problems that I'm dealing with.

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