
Benjamin launches plans into orbit in the financial galaxy

Working for a bank isn't very exciting and the people are boring. And what's the point anyway? While this is what some people think, the reality is actually very different, as our colleagues can confirm. Meet Benjamin, who thinks of himself as a Guide to the Financial Galaxy.

You see yourself as a Guide to the Financial Galaxy? Tell us more.

The banking world is so vast and varied that people need a guide to navigate it. My mission is simple: give immediate answers to people who contact me about a project, thereby quickly removing any obstacles they might encounter. You could say that I launch their plans into orbit.

So how do you make a difference day-to-day?

I try to make people’s lives easier. Whatever they want to know or need, I’m there: a student who has lost his bank card, a family that needs accident insurance, or a young couple that wants to buy their first car together. There are as many different cases as there are customers, and I’m learning new things all the time. Also, every day is very different, which is something I really love about my job! When a customer is pleased at the end of a call because I was able to come up with a solution, that makes me happy.

What do you think are important qualities for this job?

This job is all about dealing with people: the people who call me have a question or a problem that needs solving. You need to have a lot of empathy and put yourself in the shoes of the person you’re trying to help. A good working knowledge of financial products and services is helpful, but not essential. This is something I’ve learned, among other things, through training and with the support of my colleagues.

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