
BNP Paribas Fortis is a credit institution with headquarters at Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels.

Its share capital is 10,964 billion euros, of which 99.94% is held by BNP Paribas, a credit institution with headquarters in Paris.

BNP Paribas Fortis is managed by a Board of Directors, who represent the shareholders collectively. The Board of Directors determines the general policy and strategy of the bank, oversees the Executive Board’s activities, appoints and dismisses Executive Board members and oversees internal control.

The Board has established a corporate governance charter that contains information on (i) the BNP Paribas Fortis shareholders’ structure, (ii) the Group to which it belongs, (iii) its corporate bodies, (iv) its internal control organization, (v) the principles governing its integrity code and management of conflicts of interests; and (vi) the main business continuity principles. A view is furthermore given on the Secretary General’s Office and on the Statutory Auditors.

Click here to access the Corporate Governance Charter